Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Adios Noches Buenas (Goodbye Good Nights)

My honeymoon with sleep is over. I must remember my blessings. I had a really good week of sleep. Can I be grateful about that? Or will I only focus on the fact that my last night of good sleep was about four days ago. I can't even remember when, because my mind is so cloudy. I had been able to get up with the Hubs at 5:30am and happily iron his work clothes and start my day. I wouldn't even think about coffee. Now, it's 6:55am, if I don't get up NOW, my kids are going to be late to school. I can't stop thinking about how I just wish my Hubs would come back from work with something venti from Starbucks for me, then watch the kids while I got about three more hours of sleep, which is about the time is seems to take for the caffeine to kick in. Yes, my friends, this is another Rest in Christ day. It's very difficult to rest in Christ when all you can think of is resting in BED. Did I mention my fibromyalgia and arthritic hips flare up when I don't sleep? God give me strength.

When I don't sleep...

I need to fight my negativity: Christ died for my ungratefulness.
I need to fight my irritability: Christ died for my self righteousness.
I need to fight the urge to yell at my kids: Christ died for my anger/fits of rage.
I need to fight the urge to crawl back into bed and pretend the world doesn't exist: Christ died for my self centeredness.

How do I fight these? Let me count the ways...Christ. Yep, ONE way. Christ fought for me: I rest in Him. Christ obeyed for me: I rest in Him. Christ suffered for my sake: I rest in him. Christ, Christ, Christ.

And until I find God's strength kicking in, I'll keep my big mouth shut, and get up and do the next thing necessary to get my kids to school.


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