Just a quick note on what I've been thinking about lately before I put on my teacher hat.
It seems to me, and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, that self-righteousness is the father of annoyance.
Someone's behavior might annoy you because you think so much of yourself that you can't tolerate being treated in such a way.
Someone's weaknesses, or sins, may irritate you because you have "grown past" those common sense issues.
A car cutting in front of you ticks you off because where you are going and your comfort level in getting there are more important than whoever is driving the other car.
Another parent's whining, bratty child upsets you because you would never let your child behave like that.
Am I wrong? I think not. But I am open to discussion.
Without Christ, we are all wretched. We are all blackhearted, ugly people. In Christ, we are humbled. We know we are the "chief of sinners". Why would a condemned, then pardoned criminal be annoyed with a criminal who has not yet been showed mercy and pardon? We were both condemned with the same crime. Murdering the Christ. Or, another thought, why would a condemned, then pardoned criminal be annoyed with a fellow pardoned criminal? Are we not both rightly condemned? Are we not both at the mercy of the Judge? Are we not both pardoned by the works of another most righteous Sacrificial Lamb? The self-righteousness that leads us to annoyance, is the same that led the Lamb to the Alter.
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